

Amazon Region
Inhabitant: Caqueteño
This great land of the Colombian Amazonía acquired the rank of
department in 1981.
Its surface, which stretches from the eastern mountain range toward the
departments of the Amazonas and Guaviare in the southeast, is almost
flat and covered with rainforest. Besides the eastern mountain range,
other important elevations in the Amazon plains area are Cumare hill and
the Araracuara mountain range.
The department's total area is 88,965 square kilometers and borders the
departments of Meta, Huila, Cauca, Guaviare, Amazonas and Putumayo.
Caquetá became a department in 1981.
There are plenty of rivers, such as the Caquetá, Caguán,
Orteguaza, Yarí and Apaporis. In some cases these rivers play an
important role as methods of communication.
Natives from the Macaguaje Andaquí, Koreguaje and Tama tribes
inhabited the territory before the Spaniards arrived.
The area's colonization began only after 1930. The department's current
a population is 460,000.
The region is very rich in flora and fauna. The main source of
Caquetá's wealth is livestock, placing fourth in national
production. Although its soil is acidic, there are banana, yucca, corn,
rubber and sugar cane fields. Wood, medicinal plants and resins are also
The national natural parks of Los Pinachos and Chibiriquete are found in
Caquetá. Other tourist destinations are the archaeological site
El Encanto and the Ethnographic Museum of Caquetá.
Capital: Florencia
The entrance to the great Amazon jungle, Florencia is the Colombian
Amazonía's most important city.
It was founded by missionary Capuchins on December 25, 1902 at the foot
of the eastern mountain range and on the banks of the El Hacha river.
It has been the capital of Caquetá since 1950. Its average
temperature is 27 degrees Celsius.
Florencia has approximately 140,000 inhabitants. It is a small but
booming city. It is surrounded by beautiful landscapes and spectacular
views, such as the incomparable sunsets, the likes of which are rarely
seen in the rest of Colombia.



The Anthem of Caqueta
(In Spanish)
Composer: Ismael Téllez
Caquetá, orgullo de Colombia
Caquetá, progreso y bienestar
Caquetá, eres toda armonía
Caquetá, bella tierra inmortal.
Tus ciudades, tus selvas y tus ríos,
A l igual que tu hermosa capital.
Las alegran las aves con sus trinos
Circundando tu ambiente tropical.
Recordemos los egregios colonos
Con sudores supieron formar
Un emporio de riquezas que tenemos
Caquetá muy digno para amar.
Apreciemos también las realidades
Que demuestran progreso sin igual
Y al unísono de cánticos marciales
Digamos siempre: grandioso Caquetá.
¡Oh! Valientes primeros pobladores
nos legaron la honra y el valor
y sus hijos los colonizadores
su memoria invocamos con amor.
Recordemos los egregios colonos
Con sudores supieron formar
Un emporio de riquezas que tenemos
Caquetá muy digno para amar.
Apreciemos también las realidades
Que demuestran progreso sin igual
Y al unísono de cánticos marciales
Digamos siempre: grandioso Caquetá.

National Natural Parks
Alto Fragua – Indi Wasi
Location : Region of Caquetá.
Area: 68,000 hectares.
Location: Region of Caquetá and Guaviare.
Area: 1,280,000 hectares.
Cordillera de Los Picachos
Location: On the axis of the eastern Cordillera. Region
Caquetá, Huila and Meta.
Area: 439,000 hectares.

Other Municipalities and towns
Puerto Rico, San Vicente del Caguán, Cartagena del
Chaira, Valparaíso, El Doncello, La Montañita, Belen de
los Andaquies, awarded in 2001 for having the most beautiful
towns' name. In 1997 the municipality was awarded the Democracy
Gustavo Artunduaga – Florencia.
Araracuara –
Annual Events
June: Caquetá's folk festival (Florencia) –
"El Sanjuanero" department contest (Florencia).
November: Agroindustrial festival (Florencia).
December: "El Colono de Oro" Music
Festival (Florencia).
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